Windshield Warriors
Used to be, in my day, our parents would drop us off for a little league game or practice (did soccer really NOT exist?) and they’d head off to some other errand or even home to catch up on chores. They had adult responsibilities to deal with and let us kids play. Parents work, kids play.
They cared about our games and always asked us how we did and how we played. Who played first base? Were there any hits to you? Did you have fun?
They cared about us. They were not involved in every detail of the game or practice as [soccer] parents are today. Every parent (oh, sorry guardian) shows up at all my kids’ soccer games and some hang around for practices, too. Yikes… have you just nothing to do in your life than hang around a dusty soccer field for an hour and a half? So pathetic.
I was at my 12 year old’s town soccer game this past weekend and will spare you of the details, well, sort of. We won 2-1, the game was physical and we’ve played this town a bunch of times but just never experienced this before. Must have been something in their water bottles or the heat got to them at 11AM but there were just out of control.
It culminated in the parking lot with an opposing parent threatening our goalie, “You better watch out or I’ll run you over in the $^&#* parking lot.“
This was yelled at the 12 year old who was walking of the field with her mother. Not just murmured under her breath.
Our goalie was managing the time of the game but never did anything that was blatant or wrong and the seasoned referee never said anything. With us up 2-1 with minutes to go she was not exactly chasing down out-of-bound balls at a full sprint.
What a lovely woman. And all the kids and parents had to hear this trash-talking; just so disgusting. And all for soccer. Yippee for us!
A close town game between two rivalries turns into a threat of bodily harm. I can’t imagine how she treats her own kids. So sad on many fronts.
I don’t even have a lesson here – just a first hand experience of how nasty, crude and disrespectful people can be in the world today. Whether you’re in a Neiman Marcus, a beach, or a town soccer game – you just are never surprised by folks and how they act.